Sunday, December 20, 2009

Like Eagles...

We broke the record of the year!!! There's only 12 who turned up for today's service, yet though our number may be small, God still does great things! Ps R were sharing about the life and characteristics of eagles and its resemblance to our journey of faith in beautiful it was...thank You Lord for speaking to us today!

Do you know that eagles can fly 30,000 ft high which any other bird couldn't fly as high? And because of this, they build their nests, usually at cliffs or high trees which other birds couldn't possibly or even try to reach. Wow...that must be one of the reason they are the king of birds, no wonder they always hold their heads up high with the arrogant and bold look...who wouldn't? They are that special and majestic! Let us not be weighed down by ourselves falling short of His glory, we're sinners saved by grace, heirs of the throne who were born into high places.

When a baby eagle is born, the MummyEagle never leaves its nest, making sure that the babies get the best protection. Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. Now does that sound familiar of the love He has for us? But when the time comes, the MummyEagle comes to 'teach' her babies how to fly. And that's when it gets interesting...

One fine day when the three little eagles (eagles normally only lay 2-3 eggs at a time) are happily enjoying their food and getting fat, enjoying the comfy little shelter that they have lived in every since they're born, realized that something is shaking...and shaking harder and harder...
BabyEagle A: Mum...what's happening? Why are you shaking our home?
BabyEagle B: Our home is going to collapse...are we moving to a bigger house?
BabyEagle C: Earthquake! Earthquake!
And before they can have another word...alas! The whole shelter was shaken and fall apart! Baby eagles have to leave their comfy little nest and step out! Sometimes, when it's been a while that we know the Lord, we suddenly realize that life isn't as beautiful as we thought it is. The fact is that, trusting in God doesn't promise days without rain, but He promised that through rain and sunshine, He will always go through together with us. So here comes the rain...and God shakes our lives, not to harm us, but to force us to step out and FLY!

And here's the three poor little baby are they going to fly? Well, the loving MummyEagle will not just see her kids die. After pushing them out of the nest, she dives and flies carrying her kids on her back...probably showing how flying should be while the kids enjoy the roller coaster ride...the tricky part is a point, Mother Eagle flips over. And guess what? The babies fall! Ahhhhhhhh....hellpppppp meee....mummy.....daddy......ahem, daddy? Where's daddy? When MummyEagle is busy teaching the kids how to fly, DaddyEagle is up there, watching every single thing happening. He saw MummyEagle shaking the nests, carrying the BabyEagles to fly, flipping them over, and letting them fall. Just when the BabyEagles are few hundred ft to touch ground, here comes DaddyEagle and MummyEagle, diving down at lightning speed, to save their kids with their strong beak.

Our lives are sometimes tested and tried, flipped over and we really fall hard....everytime I fall I thought I was gonna die...just like the BabyEagles...but God watches over our lives just like DaddyEagle. He sees us growing, sees us going through tough times, sees us fall, and at just the right timing, He will dive down at lightning speed, to catch us and save us. Everytime He flips us and catch us again, He's teaching us to fly greater heights and have greater faith.

Coming to relationships...eagles mate for life. Once in a lifetime. They don't mate with anyone other than their partner, unless if their partner dies. Even so, they don't mate with any other eagle that is 'attached'. No polygamy. No divorce. No adultery. Till death do them part. Amazing huh? God created eagles on the 5th day of Creation and He said it was good. God created human on the 6th and said it was VERY good. If eagles have such a high standard. I can't see any reason His VERY good creation behaves more lowly than eagles. Oh and when it comes to the part where female eagles test their potential partners? They pick up logs and throw them from above, and the male eagle is supposed to dive and catch it mid-air. The challenge gets harder when everytime the female eagle will throw the logs at a lower altitude...thus shortening the distance between the throwing point and the ground. If at any point the male eagle fails to catch the log at mid-air...that's second interview. Period. Well, I can only marvel at the intelligence of the eagle. Remember earlier that the DaddyEagle is to pick up his kids when they fall during their attempt to fly? The Log Test is for this purpose. Female eagles need to ensure that their partner is fit enough to catch her kids! Well if I'm getting married someday I would want to make sure that my husband is capable of protecting me and my kids. Logical right? And ladies, God intends for us to marry eagles, not those disorganized & chaotic turkeys...(i liked how Ps R word it...hahaha). Men, God intends for you to behave like eagles, and even keeping a higher standard than them, not to behave like turkeys! No offense...I like turkeys when they are stuffed and roasted :)

Through the life span of an eagle when it comes to a point that they are getting 'old'. Their beaks and claws will be covered by calcium disposal...and to continue to live, and not just sit there and do nothing and wait to die, eagles go through a molting process. A painful waiting process of 5 months, where they need to smash their beaks on hard rock until the whole beak breaks and drops, wait for new beak to grow; use its beak to break its claws, wait for new ones to grow; pull out all its feathers, and wait for all the feathers to grow. This process, though extremely painful, renews it's strength physically and mentally. And the first flight after this 150 days of molting process, is towards the sun, way up high...

Isa 40:31 Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

I want to be like an eagle, soaring towards the sun.